Monday, January 23, 2006

Google Outsourcing Some of It's Infastructre

Apparently representatives at Google has been talking to representatives at Sun about the possibilities of the search engine giant outsourcing their data center infastructure. Tom Foremski reported for SiliconValleyWatcher that in a chat with John Loiacono, Sun's software chief, Loiacono stated Google is thinking about switching from their propietary server grids that were developed specifically for Google by Google, to an outsourced infastructure. Considering Google's history of acquiring technology companies to fufill it's needs, further speculation might lead to an imaginary scenario of the search giant involved in another acquisition, this time possibly in the networking or hardware industries. Personally, I don't forsee Google outsourcing significant portions of it's propietary infastructure anytime in the near future especially considering Google's investments in creating it's own operating system to run the grids. I do see them outsourcing infasctructure for newer projects and user oriented services such as Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Groups. If they do, somebody's going to get a multi-million dollar easter egg in their basket.


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