Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Increasing Your Websites Google PageRank

A high Google Page Ranking is essential to your websites positioning in Googles search engine. Optimizing your websites layout and keywords are simply not enough when consideration is given to the fact that Google uses your websites Page Rank as a base multiplier when ordering search results. The only way to achieve a high page ranking is by acquiring high quality backlinks (links into your website from other sites). For many new website owners, the time and effort involved in acquiring these high quality backlinks may seem daunting, but there are shortcuts available for a price. TextLinkBrokers.com is a great starting place for those looking to increase their Page Rank for a price. Prices start at $40 for a link on a PR4-PR5 website to hundreds, even thousands of dollars for a link on a PR9 website. In order for a backlink to be effective, it must be from a website with relative content as yours, and care must be taken with the anchor text for the link. TextLinkBrokers.com takes care of all that for you. It may seem a bit shady that Google has set up their search results to be ordered by whoever spends the most money advertising their site, but quite honestly, it has opened a new revenue stream for many webmasters.

Another decent source for finding inexpensive backlinks is on Ebay. I recently purchased two PR5 links for $7 each, and within two weeks, the PR0 site I was promoting went up to a PR3. I also added quite a bit of relevant content and informative, on topic articles to the site, but a second site in a similar situation, with an equal amount of content, but no quality backlinks is only a PR1.

Lastly, one product we've found useful is Reciprocal Manager. This PHP/MySql based software allows you to easily manage your reciprocal links, and takes a lot of the maintainence out of linking strategies. The $147 price tag is probably not feasable for a single website, but the software allows you to manage unlimited domains, and is you are running 40+ sites such as my company does, it's a small price to pay to consolidate all of your reciprocal links programs in one convenient place.

Tomorrow, I'll discuss the importance of avoiding link farms and click farms...

Monday, November 21, 2005

Interesting E-Book on Internet Promotions and Marketing

Like most internet publishers and entrepeneurs channeling the internet for new ideas and new sources of revenue, I have purchased and read numerous e-books on any subject matter relevant to my interests. Unfortunately the majority of them are not really worth the asking price, and the worst part is you never know until after you purchase the information. Today, I came across an interesting website, that led me to once again liberate funds from my debit card via Paypal to see if there was anything worthwhile in learning from this new source. The website is The Rich Jerk. If you can get past the sheer arrogance of the sites creator, the e-book for sale on his site is absolutely fantastic. Whether you are a novice at internet marketing, or a seasoned vertran, the publication is loaded with practical, well documented information that is easy to read and digest. I read the e-book in about an hour, and was so impressed with it, I printed it out for my 68yo father to read. My father ran a brick and mortar retail business for 35 years, and I've had a hard time teaching him about internet marketing due to his lack of computer skills, but the information contained in The Rich Jerk' s e-book made sense to him, and it was worth the money to see the old guy get so excited about something so foreign to him as internet marketing. I now have my dad talking about AdSense, keywords, SEO, etc... The small cooking website I set up for him to maintain as a hobby Recipe Bits is getting a lot of attention from him and now I don't have to get frustrated explaining to him that I'm not just "playing with the computer" when I'm working on my business.

Welcome To My Blog !!!

So, you've managed to find this little corner of the internet, and you're sitting there wondering why you're here and what the heck is this all about....Simply put, I would like to share some of my rants and raves about Internet Publishing, Promotion and Marketing. Why? Because it is an area of interest that consumes my time, energy and sometimes my money. Over the last 10 years, I've learned quite a bit about maximizing my resources to convert my efforts into a worthwhile endeavor, and through sharing my experiences, I hope to provide a fresh outlook for novice webmasters and amateur enterepeneurs in a marketplace so cluttered with regurgitated information. I also needed a space to organize my thoughts and experiences to reflect upon at a later date, as in this fast paced world, it's easy to lose track of where you've been. Hopefully, you'll check back with me on a regular basis, as I intend to update the content here on a daily basis as time sees fit.
Cheers !!!